Daily Archives: August 16, 2011

Old, abandoned buildings: Cool or creepy?

Because I love you guys, all five people who actually read this thing, I’m going to make another attempt and posting slightly more regularly.  If you’ve been with me for a while, you’re well aware that this is something I’m not very good at.  Heck, my other blog, K(ay)’s Days hadn’t had a new post in over a year!  So, today I write following a prompt, in this case “Old, abandoned buildings: Cool or creepy?”

I know there are two school of thought on this…wait, lets back up a little here.  Of course there are, it’s right in the prompt.  Okay, I never said I’m always bright, and I’ve never claimed to be a natural writer.  Back to the prompt…actually, I’m just going to focus on the first part, the bit about the old, abandoned buildings. 

 Anyone who has ever spent time with me driving through the country side is well aware of my opinion of derelict buildings…I LOVE them.  The way they look, the stories they would be able to tell, and the stories about them.  Everything about these buildings I find fascinating.  I’ve been known to pull over on a country highway, just to get closer and take pictures.  I’ve gone into abandoned parking lots to stop and stare.  I’ve even jumped ditches so that I could get close enough to touch and peer into the windows.  These are my kind of buildings!  Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to try to move into one, I’m not even going to go into one (unless I know it’s safe), but I will get as close as I possibly can, and I’ll usually take one of my cameras with me.

I will also admit, I can easily see how such places could be seen as creepy to some.  I’m not someone who watches horror films, or even the previews, but I do know that in such movies apparently bad things always happen in such places.  I can even attest that in some SciFi (Doctor Who episode – Don’t Blink…terrifing!) abandoned buildings are rather creepy.  That said, I’ve never been a believer in ghosts or other such paranormal activities, so to me an old building is really just an old story waiting to be found and told.

Maybe one day I will have the opportunity to find many of these long forgotten, and no longer cared for places and to share their stories.  After all, I’m sure the lives that were lived in them were those of sinners, saints, rum runners, thieves, artists, healers, writers, lovers, haters, fighters and everyone in between.  In other words, fascinating.

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